11.1. Constitution

11.1.1. Preamble

Our Oglethorpe community thrives on high standards of academic integrity. The Honor Code serves as a guiding document to develop our fundamental values[1] of:

  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Courage

By embracing these principles, everyone at Oglethorpe supports equitable access to academic success, as well as personal and professional growth. Oglethorpe welcomes all who accept and affirm these principles of academic integrity.

11.1.2. Affirmation

Students will sign the following affirmation at the start of their Oglethorpe career during Convocation.

I affirm that I am acting with academic integrity.  

Additionally, students are asked to sign this affirmation at least once in every course.

By regularly signing this affirmation, students are reminded of the Oglethorpe community standards of academic integrity. We encourage students to maintain a commitment to integrity beyond their time at Oglethorpe.

11.1.3. Responsibilities and Rights Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for upholding the Oglethorpe Honor Code by:

  • Knowing, understanding, and acting upon the concept of academic integrity.
  • Knowing and understanding the concept of academic misconduct.
  • Knowing and following the policies and procedures set forth in course syllabi, specific assignments, activities, and examinations.
  • Asking for clarification if one has questions regarding the policies and procedures for a specific assignment, activity, or examination.
  • Knowing and following the policies and procedures outlined in the Oglethorpe University honor code.
  • Appearing and responding to communication from the honor council and interacting with the honor council honestly.
  • Taking accountability for one’s actions. Student Rights

These are the basic rights of due process for students suspected of violating the honor code. These rights apply to everyone facing a suspicion of academic misconduct, unless specific sections of this code of the university Bulletin override them.

  • Right to confidentiality: All aspects of honor code case reports, meetings, hearings, and resolutions remain confidential.
  • Right to timely charge: If a student is suspected of a violation of the Oglethorpe honor code, they have the right to be informed of the report in a timely fashion.
  • Right to confidential advisors: In addition to the Honor Council Director, a suspected student has a right to a confidential peer advisor.
  • Right to advanced notice: A suspected student has a right to advanced notice of any official proceedings related to their case.
  • Right to prioritize class schedule: No meetings or hearings regarding honor council business will be scheduled to conflict with a suspected student’s class or lab schedule.
  • Right to request recusal of honor council members: Suspected students may request that certain members of the honor council excuse themselves from a meeting or hearing, but only for cause.
  • Right to provide and access evidence: A suspected student may submit their own evidence to be considered before the honor council. They also have the right to see and study all evidence pertaining to suspected actions in the case.
  • Right to full participation: If a case proceeds to an academic conduct board, the suspected student can be present for the entire questioning and testimonial portions that pertain to them.
  • Right to speak: The suspected student can make statements and ask questions in all meetings and hearings by the honor council pertaining to their case.
  • Right to individual resolution: If multiple students are suspected of the same events, each student has the right to engage in their own deliberations and decision regarding the preferred course of action for resolution.
  • Right to notification of outcomes: The suspected student has the right to be notified of their case resolution in a timely fashion.
  • Right to Accessibility: Suspected students who have registered accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services have the right to have their accommodations met during the honor council process.


Note: This list is not exhaustive. Details regarding these rights as well as specific additional rights are outlined in the Procedures and Policies portions of this code and throughout the University Bulletin. Responsibilities of Instructional Staff

Each member of the instructional staff is committed to ensuring the integrity of our shared academic efforts. Here are specific responsibilities for instructional staff:

  • Explain to students how academic integrity and the Oglethorpe honor code applies in a specific course.
  • Explain to students how academic integrity and the Oglethorpe honor code apply to individual course assignments and examinations, specifically addressing what constitutes “authorized” aid.
  • Provide academic integrity information in the course syllabus that includes (at a minimum) the Honor Code Preamble, Honor Code Affirmation, and a link to the full text of the Oglethorpe Honor Code found in the bulletin.
  • Invite students to ask questions about any academic policies in your course that may not be clear regarding what constitutes academic misconduct.
  • Respond promptly to questions from students regarding course policies and the honor code.
  • Assume (unless evidence indicates otherwise) that students are conducting themselves with academic integrity and act toward them in ways consistent with that assumption.
  • Consult with and potentially file a report with the Honor Council Director regarding all suspected academic misconduct. This is particularly relevant in cases where a student may admit misconduct, as the Honor Code generally prohibits instructional staff from determining responsibility and applying a sanction on their own.
  • Abstain from assigning a grade (either in the assignment or the course) until a case in process has been resolved.
  • Provide physical (including electronic) or observed evidence to the Director to support any claim of academic misconduct.
  • Follow the appropriate procedures outlined in the Honor Code.
  • Implement any sanctions or directives presented by the honor council in a timely fashion.
  • Abide by the decision of the Honor Council.
  • Testify truthfully before the honor council if summoned.
  • Serve on the Honor Council when selected. Rights of Instructional Staff

These are the basic rights of faculty who suspect that a student has violated the Oglethorpe honor code.

  • Right to Consultation: Instructional staff have the right to consult with the Honor Council Director prior to or following the filing of an official report of suspected academic misconduct.
  • Right to Report: Instructional staff have a right and are encouraged to report all suspected cases of honor code violations in which there is evidence of academic misconduct. The Honor Council Director will review all reports and provide guidance.
  • Right to Discard a Report: Prior to the official start of an investigation, instructional staff can request a report be discarded if they receive new evidence that invalidates the concern in their initial report.
  • Right to Communicate with Student: Instructional staff have the right to speak with a suspected student throughout the resolution process.
  • Right to Mediation: The instructional staff member may request the Honor Council Director be present and mediate conversations/meetings that the instructional staff member has with the suspected student.
  • Right to Resolution: Once an instructional staff member files a report, they have a right to a timely resolution of the case. They also have a right to receive communication of that resolution in a timely manner.
  • Right to Accessibility: For instructional staff requesting accommodations, they reserve the right to have their accommodations met during the honor council process.

Note: This list is not exhaustive. Details regarding these rights as well as specific additional rights are outlined in the Policies and Procedures portion of this code and throughout the University Bulletin.

[1] https://academicintegrity.org/resources/fundamental-values