10.3.2. Core Equivalency for Study Abroad/Away

Every student attending an Oglethorpe-approved fall semester, spring semester or year abroad program may petition the Core director to have their course work abroad count as an equivalency for one semester of, either COR 301 Historical Perspectives on the Social Order I or COR 302 Historical Perspectives on the Social Order II, at the student’s discretion; see Sec. Students must be accepted on an Oglethorpe-approved program and have fulfilled COR requirements through 201. The Core director may, at their discretion, grant exemption for an immersive summer program. Students will receive an exemption after obtaining approval through the study abroad course approval process and upon receipt of a transcript showing completion of a full course load while abroad. A student may use the Core Equivalency for Study Abroad as an equivalent for either COR 301 or COR-302, but not both. Students may not combine the Core Equivalency for Core Electives Courses with the Core Equivalency for Study Abroad to fulfill their 300-level Core requirements; at least one of either COR 301 or COR 302 must be taken at Oglethorpe.