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- Home
- 1. Disclaimers, Conventions & Definitions
- 2. University Information
- 3. Policies & Procedures
- 3.1. Required Disclosures Related to Mandatory Reporting and Complaints
- 3.2. Substantive Change Policy and Procedure
- 3.3. Equal Opportunity Policy
- 3.4. Additional Policies, Statements and Requirements Related to Conduct of Various Members of the Campus Community
- 3.5. Policies and Statements Pertaining Specifically to the Academic Enterprise
- 3.6. Policies Relating to Digital Media, Information and Communication
- 3.7. Parking, Driving and Vehicle Registration Policies and Regulations
- 3.8. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- 3.9. General Policies for Handling Student Complaints, Appeals and Requests for Exception
- 4. Admission
- 4.1. General Undergraduate Admission Information
- 4.2. Traditional Undergraduate (TU) Admission
- 4.3. Adult Degree Program (ADP) Admission
- 4.4. Admission for Non-Degree Seeking Students
- 4.5. Additional Information of Interest to all Undergraduate Applicants (TU, ADP and Non-Degree Seeking)
- 4.6. Additional Admission Policies
- 4.7. Master of Business Administration Applicants
- 5. Financial Information
- 5.1. Tuition and Fees
- 5.2. Statement of Account
- 5.3. Financial Obligations
- 5.4. Payment Options
- 5.5. Financial Aid: Introduction
- 5.6. Financial Aid: Merit-Based Oglethorpe Scholarships
- 5.6.1. James Edward Oglethorpe Scholarships
- 5.6.2. The J. Fred and Catherine B. Agel Leadership Scholarship
- 5.6.3. OU Theatre Scholarships
- 5.6.4. Hammack Scholarships
- 5.6.5. Additional Substantial Merit-Based Awards
- 5.6.6. International Baccalaureate (IB) Scholarships
- 5.6.7. Freshman Choral and Music Performance Awards
- 5.6.8. Music Scholarships
- 5.6.9. OU HOPE Plus
- 5.6.10. Out-of-State HOPE Equivalents
- 5.6.11. Flagship 50
- 5.7. Financial Aid: Oglethorpe Need-Based Grants
- 5.8. Financial Aid: Oglethorpe Endowed Scholarships
- 5.9. Financial Aid: Oglethorpe Annual Scholarships
- 5.10. Financial Aid: State Assistance for Undergraduate Students (TU and ADP)
- 5.11. Financial Aid: Federal Assistance for Undergraduate Students (TU and ADP)
- 5.12. Financial Aid: Application Policies and Procedures for State and Federal Assistance
- 5.13. Financial Aid Appeals
- 5.14. Satisfactory Academic Progress
- 5.15. Financial Good Standing
- 5.16. Financial and Financial Aid Consequences of Dropping and Adding Courses, Withdrawing from Individual Courses, and Withdrawing from the University
- 5.17. Financial and Financial Aid Consequences of Being Subject to a Non-Academic Withdrawal from the University
- 5.18. Financial and Financial Aid Consequences Associated with the Death of a Student
- 5.19. Financial and Financial Aid Consequences Associated with Expulsion
- 6. Academic Policies
- 6.1. Academic Calendar
- 6.2. Access to, and Appropriate Academic Use of, Computers and Other Electronic Devices
- 6.3. Activities for New Students
- 6.4. Placement Testing for Certain Disciplines
- 6.4.1. Mathematics Course Prerequisites and Mathematics Placement Testing
- 6.4.2. Mathematics Prerequisites and Co-Requisites, and Mathematics Placement Testing, for Science Courses
- 6.4.3. Mathematics Prerequisites and Mathematics Placement Testing for Economics Majors and Minors
- 6.4.4. Language Placement Testing
- 6.5. Immunizations
- 6.6. Personal Demographic Information
- 6.7. Advising
- 6.8. Ways of Obtaining Limited Undergraduate Academic Credit Without Taking Classes at Oglethorpe
- 6.9. Registration
- 6.10. Academic Load
- 6.11. Prerequisites, Co-Requisites and Program Requirements
- 6.12. Auditing Courses
- 6.13. Alternative Grading Options
- 6.14. Course Repetition Policy
- 6.15. Independent Study Policy
- 6.16. Modification of Schedules Subsequent to Registration
- 6.17. Class Attendance
- 6.18. Ends of Sessions and Final Examinations
- 6.19. Student Classifications and Options for Majors, Minors, Concentrations and Degrees
- 6.20. Grades, Grading and Grade Changes
- 6.21. Dean’s Academic Honors List
- 6.22. Good Standing and Academic Good Standing
- 6.23. Hardship Withdrawal
- 6.24. Leaving and Re-entering the University
- 6.25. Transcripts
- 6.26. Degree Application
- 6.27. Receipt of Diplomas,Commencement and Special Academic Recognition
- 6.28. Posthumous Degrees
- 6.29. Earning a Second Baccalaureate Degree
- 6.30. Remote and Hybrid Course Section Policy
- 7. General Education
- 8. Degrees & Graduation Requirements
- 9. Academic Programs and Their Requirements
- 9.1. Accounting
- 9.2. Actuarial Science
- 9.3. African American Studies
- 9.4. Art History
- 9.5. Art, Studio
- 9.6. Biology
- 9.7. Biopsychology
- 9.8. Business Administration
- 9.9. Business Analytics
- 9.10. Chemistry
- 9.11. Communication Studies
- 9.12. Computer Science
- 9.13. Creative Writing
- 9.14. Digital Media Certificate
- 9.15. Economics
- 9.16. Education (Dual Degree with Mercer University)
- 9.17. Engineering
- 9.18. English and Comparative Literature
- 9.19. Environmental Studies
- 9.20. Film and Media Studies
- 9.21. French
- 9.22. German Studies
- 9.23. History
- 9.24. Honors
- 9.25. Human Resource Management
- 9.26. Individually Planned (IP) Majors and Minors
- 9.27. International Business
- 9.28. International Studies
- 9.29. Latin American Studies
- 9.30. Management
- 9.31. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- 9.32. Mathematics
- 9.33. Museum Studies
- 9.34. Music
- 9.35. Nonprofit Management
- 9.36. Philosophy
- 9.37. Physics
- 9.38. Politics
- 9.39. Psychology
- 9.40. Public Health
- 9.40. Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program
- 9.42. Shakespeare and Renaissance Studies
- 9.43. Sociology
- 9.44. Spanish
- 9.45. Studio Art
- 9.46. Theatre
- 9.47. Urban Leadership (Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program)
- 9.48. Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- 9.49. Writing
- 10. Educational Support and Enrichment
- 10.1. Student Success
- 10.2. Career Development and Courses
- 10.3. Global Education
- 10.3.1. Advising for Study Abroad/Away
- 10.3.2. Core Equivalency for Study Abroad/Away
- 10.3.3. Application and Approval for Study Abroad/Away
- 10.3.4. Financial Assistance for Study Abroad/Away
- 10.3.5. Academic and Class Standing Requirements
- 10.3.6. International Exchange Partnerships
- 10.3.7. Study Aboard via Non-Partner Universities and Third-Party Providers
- 10.3.8. Short-Term Programs Abroad
- 10.3.9. University of Oxford, Oxford, England
- 10.3.10. LeadAbroad Programs
- 10.3.11. LeadAbroad For-Credit Programs
- 10.3.12. International Student Services (ISS)
- 10.4. Internships
- 10.5. Service Learning
- 10.6. ARCHE (Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education)
- 10.7. Campus Store & e-Bookstore
- 10.8. Endowed Funds which Support the University’s Curriculum, Faculty, Students and Mission
- 10.9. Endowed Professorships and Lecture Series
- 10.10. First-Year Experience
- 10.11. Information Technology Services (ITS)
- 10.12. Interdisciplinary and Individually-Tailored Educational Opportunities
- 10.13. Oglethorpe University Museum of Art
- 10.14. Post-Graduate Opportunities and Scholarships
- 10.15. Quality Enhancement Plan
- 10.16. Philip Weltner Library
- 11. Honor Code
- 12. Student Affairs
- 12.1. Division of Student Affairs
- 12.1.1. Athletics
- 12.1.2. Campus Safety
- 12.1.3. Counseling Services
- 12.1.4. Cultural Opportunities
- 12.1.5. Dining Services
- 12.1.6. Emergency Contact
- 12.1.7. Greek Life
- 12.1.8. Honors and Awards Presented to (or by) Students
- 12.1.9. Mail Services
- 12.1.10. OU Alert, the University Emergency Notification System
- 12.1.11. Petrel Pass
- 12.1.12. Residence Life
- 12.1.13. Student Engagement
- 12.1.14. Student Government Association
- 12.1.15. Student Organizations
- 12.1.16. University Health Partnership
- 12.2. Campus Life Policies, Procedures and Requirements
- 12.2.1. Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 12.2.2. Student Role in Institutional Decision Making
- 12.2.3. Policy on Student Demonstrations
- 12.2.4. Policy on Hazing
- 12.2.5. Gatehouse Security Arm Procedures
- 12.2.6. Noise Policy
- 12.2.7. Tobacco and Smoking Policy
- 12.2.8. Restricted Areas
- 12.2.9. Appearance
- 12.2.10. Alcohol and Drug Policy
- 12.2.11. Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy
- 12.3. Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Title IX
- 12.4. Code of Student Conduct
- 12.5. Conduct Good Standing
- 12.1. Division of Student Affairs
- 13. Course Listing
- AAS (African American Studies)
- ACC (Accounting)
- ART (Art, Art History, Studio Art)
- BIO (Biology)
- BUS (Business, Business Administration)
- CDE (Career Development and Exploration)
- CHI (Chinese)
- CHM (Chemistry)
- COM (Communication Studies)
- COR (Core)
- CSC (Computer Science)
- ECO (Economics)
- ENG (English, English and Comparative Literature)
- ENV (Environmental Studies)
- FMS (Film and Media Studies
- FRE (French)
- FYS (First Year Seminar)
- GER (German)
- GO (Global Oglethorpe)
- GRE (Greek)
- HIS (History)
- HON (Honors)
- INS (International Studies)
- INT (Interdisciplinary Studies)
- ISC (International Study Center)
- JPN (Japanese)
- LAT (Latin)
- LEAD: Cape Town
- LEAD: Greece
- MAT (Mathematics)
- MBA (see Master of Business Administration)
- MUS (Music)
- NPM (Nonprofit Management)
- PBH (Public Health)
- PHI (Philosophy)
- PHY (Physics)
- POL (Politics)
- PSY (Psychology)
- SEN (Senior Transitions)
- SOC (Sociology)
- SPN (Spanish)
- STM (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
- THE (Theatre)
- ULP (Urban Leadership, Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program, RFULP)
- WGS (Women’s and Gender Studies)
- WRI (Creative Writing, Writing)
- 14. Title IX
- 14.1. Title IX Coordinator & Reporting Title IX Matters
- 14.2. Definitions of Prohibited Conduct & Related Definitions
- 14.3. Grievance Process
- 14.3.1. Formal Complaint
- 14.3.2. Investigation
- 14.3.3. Investigative Report Review by the Parties
- 14.3.4. Investigative Report Review by the Title IX Coordinator
- 14.3.5. Hearing Process
- 14.3.6. Hearings Rules & Decorum
- 14.3.7. Rules for Cross Examination
- 14.3.8. Hearing Panel
- 14.3.9. Sanctions & Remedies
- 14.3.10. Appeals
- 14.3.11. Record of Process & Document Retention
- 14.4. Definition of Roles
- 14.5. Informal Resolutions & Mediation
- 14.6. Retaliation
- 14.7. Requests Not to Pursue Complaints and Confidentiality
- 15. Board of Trustees
- 16. The Faculty
- 17. University Officers
- Previous Bulletin Versions