Students must complete their declared program within 150% of the published number of credit hours required to complete the program. For example, in undergraduate programs requiring 128 semester hours, this provides up to 192 attempted semester hours to complete a 128 semester hour degree program. For students seeking a second undergraduate degree, the maximum time frame (using the above example) is 252 attempted semester hours or 150% of hours needed to complete the first degree, plus 60 additional semester hours.
The maximum timeframe calculation is performed as follows:
A = All Oglethorpe semester hours attempted (including repeated credits)
T = All semester hours transferred from other institutions
R = All remedial semester hours attempted
P = The total number of semester hours used to determine current progress toward degree
P = A + T – R
All transfer semester hours accepted by Oglethorpe University are counted as both attempted and completed credits and are included in the maximum timeframe calculation. These grades are not counted toward the cumulative GPA requirement since initial transfer semester hours do not count toward the Oglethorpe cumulative GPA. CLEP and test credits are also included as attempted credits. Repeated courses count as credits attempted during each semester the student is enrolled in the course; however, they will be counted once as credits completed the first time a passing grade is received for the course. Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. Audited courses are not included in the number of semester hours attempted or earned for SAP determination and students do not receive a grade in audited classes.