It is in the best interest of students’ welfare that persons who have alcohol or other drug-related emergencies be brought to the attention of medical personnel. Furthermore, Oglethorpe University recognizes that the potential for disciplinary action for these and other incidents may act as a barrier to students who would otherwise seek assistance themselves or for other students. It is for these reasons that the University maintains medical amnesty and Good Samaritan protocols. In these incidents, the primary concern is the well-being, health, and safety of students. Medical Amnesty Protocol
Under this policy, students seeking medical assistance for themselves during an alcohol or other drug-related emergency will not face formal disciplinary action by the office of student rights and responsibilities for the mere possession or use of alcohol or drugs. The sole reason for the student’s intoxication being discovered by University personnel must be due to medical care being sought by the affected student. Additionally, student(s) or a student organization seeking medical assistance for another person during an alcohol or other drug-related emergency will not face formal conduct action for the mere possession or use of alcohol or drugs. Medical amnesty applies only to alcohol or other drug-related medical emergencies and students who seek medical amnesty may be held responsible for violating other policies, including but not limited to assault, property damage, or distribution of illicit substances. In cases where an individual or organization fails to seek emergency medical assistance when risk of harm is clearly indicated, formal disciplinary action may be taken against the individual(s) and/or organization.
In order to qualify for medical amnesty, the student must seek medical attention at the time of the incident and must meet with a representative from the office of student rights and responsibilities within 5 days of the incident and agree to comply with the conditions set forth by the representative. Students and organizations that assist those in need may also have to meet certain conditions for medical amnesty. If these conditions are met, there will be no conduct case and the incident will not become part of the student’s or organizational disciplinary record. If the student or student organization does not follow these stipulations, and/or the qualifications for medical amnesty are considered not met, the student or student organization may be subject to the conduct process as outlined in the code of student conduct. It is the expectation of the office of student rights and responsibilities that a student may qualify for the medical amnesty policy once; it is an opportunity for a student to learn from the incident and avoid such concerning behavior in the future. Therefore, after the first incident, the availability of medical amnesty to the student is at the discretion of the office of student rights and responsibilities. Students and student organizations that help others seek medical assistance are not limited to one use of the medical amnesty policy, as they should always feel empowered to help those in need.
It is important to be aware that Oglethorpe University enforces federal, state and local laws prohibiting the possession and use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Medical amnesty applies only to the Oglethorpe University code of student conduct and does not in any way prohibit law enforcement personnel from enforcing federal, state, or local laws.
Students who receive medical amnesty because they sought help for themselves or others may be required to complete educational activities related to health and wellbeing. Good Samaritan Protocol
The University recognizes that there may be other situations, outside of those involving alcohol and drugs, which may pose a threat to the well-being, safety, or health of students. In those instances, any student and/or student organization seeking help from University personnel due to concerns of safety or health may be excused from code of student conduct charges related to violations discovered as a result of seeking help. University personnel includes, but is not limited to, student staff members who are formally responsible for monitoring assigned areas of campus.
In order to qualify for the Good Samaritan protocol, the student or student organization must seek help at the time of the incident and must meet with a representative from the office of student rights and responsibilities within 5 days of the incident and agree to comply with the conditions set forth by the representative. Students and student organizations that assist those in need may also have to meet certain conditions for this protocol. If these conditions are met, there will be no code of student conduct case and the incident will not become part of the student’s or student organization’s disciplinary record. If the student or student organization does not follow the stipulations an/or the qualifications for Good Samaritan are considered not met, the student or student organization may be subject to the conduct process as outlined in the code of student conduct.
The Good Samaritan protocol applies only to the Oglethorpe University code of student conduct and does not in any way prohibit law enforcement personnel from enforcing federal, state, or local laws.
Students who qualify for the Good Samaritan protocol may be required to complete educational activities related to health and wellbeing.