10.11. Information Technology Services (ITS)

The office of information technology services (ITS) supports OU technology resources available to faculty, students and staff of Oglethorpe. The department strives to provide an up-to-date computing environment that is both flexible and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the University. Services include operating the student computing labs, supporting faculty and staff desktops and the OU network that keeps everyone connected, maintaining secure systems, providing e-mail services, remote access, telecom, printing, web infrastructure and classroom enhancement programs, administrative computing (ERP) and more.

Every residence hall room, faculty office, and appropriate staff office has a connection to the Oglethorpe computer network and to the Internet. Access is also available to students through computers located in the Philip Weltner Library.

For additional information about ITS, visit https://itservices.oglethorpe.edu/. For additional policies concerning policies relating to digital media, information and communication please see Sec. 3.6. Also, see Sec. 6.2. for policies concerning access to, and appropriate academic use of, computers and other electronic devices.

Wi-Fi Printer Policy

The use of wireless printers or personal routers on campus interferes with the campus network and can affect not only your devices but those of students around you. Printers with a wireless feature must disable wireless printing. Wired connections are required to print to a personal printer.

Additional services and products provided and/or managed by ITS are noted below.