10.3. Global Education

Global education seeks to help students hone intercultural skills and become global citizens through a range of on campus and global experiential activities. Global learning experiences complement courses, and are accessible and valuable to all students regardless of major, professional goals, or individual circumstances. Global learning experiences include exploring other cultures, sharpening language skills, gaining new perspectives, developing capacity to successfully engage across cultural differences and contexts, and effectively integrating knowledge and skills to act and problem-solve appropriately in a variety of cross-cultural settings.

Information about global learning experiences, including opportunities to study abroad/away with specific deadlines for programs and scholarships, announcements of programs and events, as well as itineraries for short-term programs, appear throughout the year via the global education website, student e-mails, social media, classroom presentations, and fliers distributed around campus. The most up-to-date list of exchange partners and upcoming opportunities (as well as chronicles and images from past short-term programs) can be found at our Global Education section.