Academic Warning

When students are placed on academic warning (or simply “warning”), they are given the next regular semester (fall or spring) to raise their term (semester) grade-point average (GPA) to 2.2 or higher or to raise their cumulative GPA to a level sufficient to be in academic good standing. Students on warning should consult with a student success advisor to develop a plan and identify resources to assist them in returning to good standing.

After a regular semester on warning, the following things may occur:

  • The student achieves academic good standing. The student is no longer on warning.
  • The student achieves the required term (semester) GPA of 2.2 or higher, but their cumulative GPA is still such that they are not in academic good standing. As long as the student continues to achieve a term (semester) GPA of 2.2 or better, the student stays on warning. Eventually the student should achieve academic good standing, at which time they are taken off warning.
  • The student does not earn the required term (semester) GPA of 2.2 and also does not attain academic good standing. The student is placed on academic probation.