JPN 101, JPN 102 Elementary Japanese I, II (4 hours each)
This is a one-year course sequence in beginning Japanese aimed at developing basic skills in speaking, reading, writing and aural comprehension. The kana and kanji writing systems are introduced. Prerequisite: None for JPN 101; JPN 101 or placement by testing (Sec. 6.4.4.) for JPN 102. In general, native-level Japanese speakers are restricted from taking Japanese at the elementary level. Native-level speakers should consult with the instructor prior to attempting to enroll in an Elementary Japanese course.
JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I (4 hours)
A continuation of elementary Japanese, the first semester of the second-year sequence focuses on conversational skills and vocabulary building and extends the student’s proficiency in reading and writing. Aspects of the Japanese culture and society are also explored. Prerequisite: JPN 102.
JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II (4 hours)
This course consolidates and integrates the student’s knowledge of basic grammatical patterns and introduces advanced grammatical structures. Further practice in reading and writing prepares students to pursue further study in areas related to their major. Audio-visual materials are used more extensively to supplement the main text. Prerequisite: JPN 201.