5.6.10. Out-of-State HOPE Equivalents

For students who reside in Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, or Mississippi and graduate from high school with a 3.0 GPA or higher, Oglethorpe may consider the student for a supplemental award. Recipients need to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher while at Oglethorpe. These awards are merit-based grants directly from Oglethorpe and are only offered at the time of a student’s admission to Oglethorpe.

Flagship 50

For first-year students who reside in one of the 50 states, including the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories and who have earned a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 3.8 (as calculated by Oglethorpe on the student’s final transcript) or achieved an SAT Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing + Math score of at least 1400 or an ACT composite score of at least 30, Oglethorpe will ensure the student’s tuition and fees net of grants and scholarships is equal to the in-state tuition and fees charged by the flagship public college in the student’s home state. Eligible state or federal grants can be received in addition to this award. Recipients must remain enrolled full-time at Oglethorpe, in good academic and conduct standing, and reside on campus (excluding Gables) to keep the award. These awards are merit-based grants directly from Oglethorpe and are only offered at the time of a student’s admission to Oglethorpe. A student’s Flagship 50 award amount is calculated prior to a student’s matriculation to Oglethorpe and remains fixed. Once calculated, a Flagship 50 award amount does not fluctuate from year to year.