All Hearing Panels are made up of three impartial individuals who are trained to adjudicate Title IX complaints. Members of the Faculty Staff Judicial Board will serve as panelist for all cases, except for cases with faculty Respondents. Hearing Panels for faculty Respondents will be made up of elected members of the Faculty Hearing Committee. The Hearing Officer and Title IX Coordinator will ensure proper training of all Hearing Panelists.
At the conclusion of the live hearing, the Hearing Panel will deliberate in private to determine if any violation(s) of policy occurred. If it is not possible for the Panel to make a decision on the same day as the hearing, the Panel will reconvene as soon as possible and meet until a decision is reached. The decision of the Hearing Panel is decided by a majority vote, and responsibility will be determined based on a preponderance of the evidence.
The Hearing Panel will base its decision solely on the participants’ statements, the investigative report, information presented at the hearing, and University policy and procedure. The Panel will make an objective evaluation of all relevant evidence, including both inculpatory and exculpatory evidence. When there is more than one alleged code violation, the Hearing Panel will evaluate each charge separately. The Hearing Panel will make a finding whether the Respondent is “Responsible” or “Not Responsible.”
After a determination of responsibility, the Hearing Panel will make a determination of appropriate sanctions and/or remedies based on the facts of the case. The Hearing Officer and Title IX Coordinator may also be present at deliberations to consult and ensure sanctions are consistent with relevant policies and historical institutional practices.
Once a decision has be finalized by the Panel, the Parties will be provided with a simultaneous written decision letter detailing the findings, sanctions, and remedies as determined by the Hearing Panel. The letter will include the process and deadline for submitting an appeal by either Party. Copies of the hearing decision may also be sent to the Dean of Students, Director of Campus Safety, and Director of Human Resources (in cases involving employees), and others as needed depending on the nature of any sanctions and/or remedies.