6.24.2. Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal from the University is defined as removal of a student’s active status in all courses (meaning a course for which the final grade has not yet been assigned) comprising the student’s academic schedule during the semester in question. Students who have determined that they need to completely leave the University are encouraged to discuss their situation with the office of campus life. Upon understanding the student’s particular situation, campus life officials may be able to provide assistance or referrals that make it possible for the student to remain at Oglethorpe. However, if students still wish to withdraw from the University, they should complete an official withdrawal form available online. Residential students are expected to move out of housing within 48 hours of withdrawing from the University. Students should be mindful of the financial and financial aid implications of withdrawing from the University that are detailed in Sec. 5.16.

Students may withdraw before or during the semester. After the semester has started, students may withdraw until the last day of classes. In cases where the student is unable to withdraw on their own due to medical emergency or other exigency, an authorized representative (parent, guardian, or spouse) may complete the process on the student’s behalf. The authorized representative assumes all liability associated with the withdrawal.

The transcript of students who complete the process of withdrawing from the University will show the following:

  • Considering all sessions within the semester in which the withdrawal occurs, if the date of withdrawal from the University is prior to the close of business on the drop/add deadline for one or more courses in which the student is enrolled, then no such course will be listed on the student’s transcript.
  • Considering all sessions within the semester in which the withdrawal occurs, if the date of withdrawal from the University is during the withdrawal period (see 6.16.3.) for one or more courses in which the student is enrolled, then the student will receive the grade of “W” (withdrew) in all such courses.
  • The university may make a notation on the student’s transcript if they withdraw from the university with a pending conduct process.
  • For all courses not covered by the above rules, instructors will assign a grade of either “W” or a “WF” (withdrew failing), depending on whether the student was passing the class or not at the time of the withdrawal. It should be noted that while the grade of “W” has no impact on a student’s grade-point average, the grade of “WF” impacts the student’s grade-point average in the same way as would the grade of “F” (failure). No credit is awarded for either the grade of “W” or “WF.”

Students may not withdraw from the University following the date of their last scheduled regular class meeting (when considering all courses scheduled into all sessions within a given semester).

If a student has received notification of a potential violation of a university policy and withdraws before the resolution process (such as a conduct adjudication) is complete, the incomplete process will be noted in their student record. In some cases, the University may complete the process without the student’s participation and record the outcome in the student’s record.

A student who withdraws from the University is not permitted to return to Oglethorpe anymore that semester. The student may reapply for admission to the University the following semester unless more time away is required (as in cases of withdrawal for medical, psychological or similar problems). The student must re-apply to the University in order to return; please see the policy on readmission in Sec. 6.24.6.