Eligibility to Compete

  1. Students are eligible to compete if the students:
    • Have been admitted as a regularly enrolled, degree-seeking student according to the published entrance requirements of their school; and
    • Are in academic good standing according to the standards of their school; and
    • Are enrolled:
      • In a full-time program of studies leading to baccalaureate or the equivalent (not less than 12 semester or quarter hours) and maintains satisfactory progress toward that degree; or
      • In a full-time graduate or professional degree program (as defined by the school for all graduate students) or are enrolled and seeking a second baccalaureate degree at their school. [NCAA Bylaws 14.01.2, and]
  2. If enrolled in less than a full-time program, students are eligible to compete only if:
    • They are enrolled in the last semester of their baccalaureate or graduate degree program; and
    • They are carrying credits necessary to finish their degree requirements. [NCAA Bylaw]
  3. A student is eligible to compete during the official vacation period immediately before initial enrollment, provided:
    • The student has been accepted by the school for enrollment in a regular, full-time program of studies; and
    • At the time of initial participation, students are no longer enrolled at their previous educational institution; and
    • The student is eligible under all institutional and NCAA requirements. [NCAA Bylaw]
  4. Returning students are eligible to compete between semesters, provided:
    • The students haves been registered for the required minimum full-time load at the conclusion of the semester immediately before the date of competition; or
    • The students are either continuing enrollment or beginning enrollment, provided they have been accepted for enrollment as a regular full-time student for the regular semester immediately following the date of competition. [NCAA Bylaw]

Additional questions or concerns should be directed to Oglethorpe’s athletics director or compliance officer.