For each session, faculty members submit mid-term reports to the registrar’s office on class rolls indicating performance of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (“S” or “U”) at a minimum. Those faculty that want to assign standard letter grades (A through F) at mid-term may do so. These mid-term reports are not part of the student’s permanent record.
Faculty members submit letter grades at the end of each session. These grades become part of the student’s official record once the semester in which the session is housed is complete. Once entered, a grade may not be changed except by means of an officially executed grade change.
If a faculty member is unable (for reasons including but not limited to retirement, termination, illness and death) or unwilling to assign a grade or to execute a formal grade change, then the chair of the division in which the relevant course is housed will be responsible for acting in the faculty member’s stead. If the faculty member who is unable or unwilling to assign or change a grade is a division chair then the provost will act in the chair’s stead in all matters related to grading.
The letter grades used at Oglethorpe are defined as follows:
Grade | Meaning | Quality Points | Numerical Equivalent |
A | Superior | 4.0 | 93-100 |
A- | 3.7 | 90-92 | |
B+ | 3.3 | 87-89 | |
B | Good | 3.0 | 83-86 |
B- | 2.7 | 80-82 | |
C+ | 2.3 | 77-79 | |
C | Satisfactory | 2.0 | 73-76 |
C- | 1.7 | 70-72 | |
D+ | 1.3 | 67-69 | |
D | Minimal Passing | 1.0 | 60-66 |
F | Failure | 0.0 | 0-59 |
FA | Failure due to excessive absences* | 0.0 | |
W | Withdrew** | 0.0 | |
WF | Withdrew Failing* | 0.0 | |
I | Incomplete*** | 0.0 | |
NS | No-Show** | 0.0 | |
S | Satisfactory**** | 0.0 | 70-100 |
U | Unsatisfactory* | 0.0 | |
CR | Credit**** | 0.0 | 60 - 100 |
NC | No Credit** | 0.0 | 0 - 59 |
AU | Audit** | 0.0 | |
NG | No Grade yet assigned** | 0.0 |
*Grade has same effect as an “F” on the GPA.
**Grade has no effect on the GPA; no credit awarded.
***See Incomplete Policy
****Grade has no effect on the GPA; credit is awarded.