Choral and Instrumental Scholarships (tuition remission awards) are awarded to selected students who meet the following criteria:
- Present a short singing or playing audition for the director of music and the director of choral activities at the start of the Fall or Spring semester or at JEO Scholarship Weekends.
- Register for at least a 1-credit section of applied music instruction.
- Register and participate in at least one music ensemble (Oglethorpe singers, Oglethorpe symphony, Oglethorpe jazz ensemble).
Potential scholarships may be awarded based on “in-person” auditions at the following times:
- At JEO Scholarship Weekend auditions;
- During scheduled times on MAP days;
- During the week prior to the beginning of Fall or Spring Semesters; or
- During the first 5 days of the Fall or Spring semester.
Audio/video recordings may be submitted at any time and reviewed at the discretion of the director of music.
Music scholarship students are expected to demonstrate exemplary participation and leadership skills in ensembles and to demonstrate significant growth in applied instruction classes.
Applied instruction awards can be awarded at the discretion of the director of music in consultation with applied instructors to students who register only for applied music classes who a) have participated in an ensemble, b) might participate in a different semester, or c) have a class conflict that prevents them from participating in an ensemble.
Music scholarships can be removed at the discretion of the director of music should the above criteria not be met.