Whenever a University policy or requirement has an embedded process for resolving complaints, appeals, or requests for exception (meaning variance and/or waiver; please see Sec. 1.4.19 and Sec. 1.4.20. for definitions of these terms), then the embedded process must be followed. The more general policies described subsequently in this section may never be substituted in place of an embedded one. Examples of policies which have embedded processes for resolving complaints, appeals, and requests for exception include (but are not necessarily limited to):
- “Non-Language Course Substitutions,” “Language Course Substitutions,” and “Grievance Procedures” sections of the Accessibility Programs and Services policy ( 3.3.2.)
- Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation ( 3.3.3.)
- Consensual Relationship Policy ( 3.4.3.)
- Academic Freedom and Responsibility ( 3.5.1.)
- Policy on Intellectual Property Rights ( 3.5.3.)
- Parking, Driving and Vehicle Registration Policies and Regulations ( 3.7.)
- Admission Appeal ( 4.6.1.)
- Financial Aid Appeals ( 5.13.)
- Financial Aid Suspension (
- Grade Appeal Policy ( 6.20.6.)
- Academic Dismissal (
- Honor Code ( 11.)
- Policy on Sexual Misconduct ( 12.3.)
- Code of Student Conduct ( 12.4.)
For student complaints, appeals, and requests for exception not subject to an associated embedded process in an extant policy, procedure or regulation, the system described in Sec.3.9.1 and Sec 3.9.2 will be followed. Note that employee complaints, appeals, and requests for exception are governed by policies established in the Faculty Handbook and/or the Employee Handbook and are therefore not subject to the following protocol.