In the judgment of the vice president for student affairs, a student may be involuntarily withdrawn from the University when it is determined that the student has demonstrated behavior that:
- Poses an imminent threat to campus safety, or
- Interferes with the rights of other members of the University community or with the exercise of any proper activities or functions of the University or its personnel.
Any student subject to involuntary withdrawal will receive written notice of the concern, and the opportunity to present information relevant to the concern to the vice president of student affairs. A student may further appeal the vice president of student affairs’ decision to a designated member of the Senior Administrative Leadership Team. The notice of concern will include the effective date of withdrawal and instructions for appeal.
The transcript of students who are subject to involuntary withdrawal from the University will show the following:
- Considering all sessions within the semester in which the non-academic withdrawal occurs, if the date of withdrawal from the University is prior to the close of business on the drop/add deadline for one or more courses in which the student is enrolled, then no such course will be listed on the student’s transcript.
- Considering all sessions within the semester in which the non-academic withdrawal occurs, if the date of withdrawal from the University is during the withdrawal period (see 6.16.3.) for one or more courses in which the student is enrolled, then the student will receive the grade of “W” (withdrew) in all such courses.
A student who is the subject of an involuntary withdrawal will receive written information about options to return to the University once the behavioral concerns have been resolved. In general, the student must re-apply to the University in order to return; please see the policy on readmission in Sec. 6.24.6.
Students are responsible for the financial and financial aid implications of being subjected to an involuntary withdrawal from the University, as detailed in part in Sec. 5.17.