Oglethorpe University is a member of the Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education (ARCHE). Through ARCHE students may request to cross register for courses at any other member institutions; see Sec. 6.8.5. and Sec. 10.10. for details. The student does not need to be admitted to the other institution, and the student completes all procedures, including payment of tuition, at Oglethorpe. However, special fees (lab fees, parking fees, security deposits, etc. for example) must be paid to the host institution. Students must abide by all host institutions’ policies and schedules regarding grades, exam dates, absences, and drop/add/withdrawal deadlines. To withdraw from a course, both Oglethorpe and the host institution’s withdrawal procedures must be followed. While grades earned through ARCHE cross registration are not calculated in a student’s Oglethorpe grade-point average, courses with grades of “C-“ or higher can be applied toward graduation requirements.
Because of institutional deadlines, students should complete forms for cross registration as early as possible after meeting with their academic advisor. The appropriate form is available online and more information about the program can be found on the ARCHE website at http://www.atlantahighered.org/. Interested students should consult the registrar’s office or their advisor for program specific questions and details if needed.