A transient student is defined as a degree-seeking Oglethorpe student who requests to take one or more courses at another regionally-accredited college or university after matriculating to Oglethorpe.
Oglethorpe University always accepts transient credit under the following guidelines:
- A completed transient student application must be submitted to enrollment services. The form requires pre-approval from a student’s academic advisor, and if the course is to be used to satisfy a major or minor requirement, the appropriate program coordinator. The form must be submitted prior to registering for the course in order to guarantee transient credit will be applied.
- Course work must be taken at a regionally-accredited college or university; course work completed at an international university will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis;
- Course work must be college-level (generally numbered 100 or above) at the institution taken and must not be vocational in nature;
- Grades of C- or higher only will be accepted for transient credit. Any grades below C- will not be accepted as transient credit;
- Credits will be brought on to the Oglethorpe University record, but grades will not be used in determining a student’s Oglethorpe grade-point average;
- Transient credits based on a quarter system are converted to semester credit hours
using the formula that one quarter-hour equals two-thirds a semester credit hour. Fractional transfer credits will be credited. No more semester credit hours can be awarded at Oglethorpe than were given at the original institution. - No credit(s) will be posted until official transcripts with final grades are received by Oglethorpe University. Students who have not submitted final transcripts before the registration period for the semester after the one in which the transient credit was attempted will have holds placed on their accounts to prevent further Oglethorpe registration.