Oglethorpe requires students to comply with federal, state and local laws concerning the possession and use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. The consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 and the furnishing of alcohol to an individual under 21 are violations of state law. The possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs or substances used for illicit purposes on campus will be subject to disciplinary action by the University. They may also constitute a violation of law that can result in fines or imprisonment by federal, state or local authorities.
Possible sanctions for public consumption and/or possession of an alcoholic beverage by persons under 21 and the furnishing of alcohol to persons under 21 include, but are not limited to:
- First violation:
- Formal reprimand/warning.
- Educational alcohol program.
- Fine up to $60 or restitution hours up to six.
- Second violation:
- Disciplinary probation for one year or two semesters.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Educational alcohol program with reflection and counseling.
- Fine up to $120 or restitution hours up to sixteen
- Third violation:
- Suspension for at least one semester beyond incident.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Referral to alcohol assessment and rehabilitation.
Possession, use, or distribution of drugs may result in immediate suspension or expulsion from the University and notification of the Brookhaven Police Department. Possible sanctions for use and/or possession of drugs and/or paraphernalia are:
- First violation:
- Sanctions may range from disciplinary probation until graduation to separation from the University.
- Potential parental/guardian notification.
- Educational drug program with reflection.
- Fine up to $120 or restitution hours up to sixteen.
- Possible suspension.
- Second violation:
- Sanctions may include suspension for two semesters after incident.
- Potential parental/guardian notification.
- Referral to drug assessment and counseling.
The use of alcoholic beverages on campus by students of legal age is permitted only in the privacy of their living quarters or at events or in locations specifically authorized. If all members of a room or suite are under the legal drinking age, no alcohol can be present in the common areas at any time. Residents cannot host open invitation or large private parties with alcoholic beverages. This policy specifically prohibits large quantities of alcohol and beer kegs on campus. Open containers of alcoholic beverages are not permitted outdoors in public areas of the residence halls or elsewhere in campus buildings or on campus grounds, except where specifically authorized. Public areas include lounges, lobbies, study rooms, hallways, laundry/utility rooms and all courtyards, patios, grounds, sidewalks and parking lots. Possible sanctions for violating this policy include, but are not limited to:
- First violation:
- Verbal warning.
- Fine up to $60 or restitution hours up to six.
- Second violation:
- Formal reprimand/warning.
- Required participation in alcohol educational program.
- Fine up to $120 or restitution hours up to sixteen.
- Third violation:
- Disciplinary probation for one year or two semesters.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Fine up to $240 or restitution hours up to thirty-two.
- Possible suspension for one semester.
- Fourth violation:
- Suspension for at least one full semester after incident.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Referral to alcohol assessment, counseling and/or rehabilitation.
University guidelines that apply whenever alcoholic beverages are available at off-campus functions sponsored by student organizations include the following: the alcohol, which is available to those of legal drinking age who wish to drink, is provided only by or through the management of the establishment rented for the function, served only by licensed bartenders and sold at a reasonable price; alternative non-alcoholic beverages must be available in adequate supply; food or snacks should be served; a reasonable time limit to end the party should be set; sober and safe transportation should be provided to avoid anyone driving while intoxicated; any other effort or provision should be made by the host organization to control the function, encourage responsible conduct and monitor problems of intoxication to better ensure a safe, enjoyable party. Valid complaints of disruptive or unruly behavior, personal injury or damage to property arising from the use of alcohol may subject the organization and the individuals involved to disciplinary action. Possible sanctions for violating this policy include, but are not limited to:
- First violation:
- Fine up to $120.
- Loss of organization’s ability to host functions with alcohol for one full semester.
- Second violation:
- Fine up to $240 or restitution hours up to thirty-two.
- Loss of organization’s ability to host functions for a prescribed period of time.
- Third violation:
- Suspension of organization. Re-instatement of organization cannot be considered for at least one full semester beyond the incident.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus is a severe disciplinary matter. Students found driving under the influence may be suspended from the University for one or more semesters after the incident. At minimum, such students may have their driving privileges suspended on campus, and local police may be called to investigate alleged cases of driving under the influence. Campus safety reserves the right to question individuals driving on campus when there is cause to believe the driver to be under the influence. Campus safety has the right to ask those drivers entering campus to park their cars and walk if there is cause to believe that they are under the influence. Possible sanctions for violating this policy include, but are not limited to:
- First violation:
- Involvement of Brookhaven Police.
- Disciplinary probation until graduation or separation from the University.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Educational alcohol counseling.
- Fine up to $240 or restitution hours up to thirty-two.
- Permanent loss of driving privileges until graduation or separation.
- Possible suspension for at least one full regular (fall or spring) semester after incident.
- Second violation:
- Suspension for at least one full regular (fall or spring) semester after incident.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Referral to alcohol assessment and rehabilitation.
Paraphernalia, equipment and other devices designed to increase the rate of consumption or intake of alcohol or illegal drugs such as bongs, funnels and kegs are prohibited from campus. Hookahs and other like devices designed for smoking tobacco are also prohibited. Possible sanctions for violating this policy include, but are not limited to:
- First violation:
- Formal reprimand/warning.
- Fine up to $120 or restitution hours up to sixteen.
- Drug paraphernalia: please see first violation for marijuana (Sec.
- Second violation:
- Disciplinary probation for two semesters.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Fine up to $240 or restitution hours up to thirty-two.
- Educational alcohol/drug counseling.
- Possible suspension.
- Third violation:
- Suspension at least one full semester beyond semester of incident.
- Parental/guardian notification.
- Referral to alcohol/drug assessment and counseling.
In addition to these policies, the University expects fraternities and sororities to follow the alcohol risk management policies outlined by their chapters and national offices.