6.9.2. Student Obligations Prior to Registration

All students should meet with their advisor prior to registration.  The advisor will assist the student with planning appropriate course selections to progress toward degree attainment and post-degree aspirations. Advisor assignments are listed under the “my profile” link in a student’s OASIS account. If no advisor assignment is listed, students should notify the registrar’s office or student success. Students and advisors should work with a student’s degree audit report (found under the “program evaluation” link in OASIS) to ensure students are completing proper courses to meet published program requirements. Students will not be eligible to register until they have been cleared to register by an academic advisor.

Registration itself is a student-driven activity. Students are responsible for registering for the courses that were agreed upon during the sessions with their academic advisor. If students decide to alter their schedule from that which was agreed upon, the students will bear the responsibility for any unintended or unforeseen consequences, including but not limited to delayed graduation and denial of (or reduction in) financial aid. Students are responsible for knowing and following the policies, procedures, and requirements contained in this Bulletin.

If students are encumbered by the admissions office, business office, student affairs, campus safety, financial aid, library, provost’s office, or registrar’s office, they will be unable to process registration until the hold is cleared by the appropriate office. Students can see active holds on their account under the “student restrictions” link in their OASIS account. Registration cannot occur until students resolve any holds on their account and are cleared to register by the advisor.