Dining services at Oglethorpe provides a diverse and nutritious menu, a space of community and friendship, and an educational environment. Visit CampusDish for more information.
All students living on campus must participate in the University’s meal plan and present their Petrel Pass to receive meals. All students in the residence halls receive an “all-access” meal plan, with unlimited access to dining services during all open hours of operation. Students residing in double rooms in Greek Houses and students who are Gables residents have the Greek or Gables meal plan. All students enrolling fall semester 2018 and beyond who commute or decide to commute later during their enrollment are required to have the commuter meal plan.
Brunch and dinner are served on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Meals are only provided when school is in session and are not provided during Thanksgiving, winter and spring breaks. The last meal served as part of the plan during the academic year will be lunch on the last day of final exams during the fall and spring semesters.
Students may not share the privilege of their all-access plan with anyone else. Students lending their Petrel Pass to others or giving food to others through their plan are subject to conduct sanctions and loss of privileges. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served Monday through Friday.