Fees are subject to change without notice. The most current up-to-date information can be found at https://hub.oglethorpe.edu/tuition-fees/. Orientation Fee
Required of all TU students (first-time freshmen and transfers, including freshman transfers) who enter in either the fall or spring semester. Activity Fee
Required of all full-time, degree-seeking students (TU and ADP) in both the fall and spring semesters. Overload in Hours Fee
Required of each TU student who receives permission to register for more than 19 semester hours in a given semester (including all sessions within that semester). Please also see Sec. 6.10.3. Studio Art, Video, Music Lessons and Science Lab Fees
Fees are required of each student who enrolls for a video course, music lessons, a computer science course with a lab component, or a science course with a laboratory component. Fees are also required for most studio art courses. Please see the individual course descriptions in Sec. 13 to determine whether fees apply to a particular studio art class. Degree Completion Fee
A nonrefundable degree completion fee is required of all graduation candidates. This fee will be charged to the student’s account at the time the enrollment services office is notified by the registrar of the student’s anticipated graduation. The degree completion fee is due no less than three weeks before the end of the student’s final semester. This fee does not apply to new freshmen and transfers entering Oglethorpe effective Fall 2018. Payment Plan Enrollment Fee
Required of all students who enroll in an installment plan to satisfy their account balance.