By default, any new course or academic program, or any modification (including elimination) of an existing course or academic program, becomes effective at the outset of the academic year following that in which the associated proposal receives final faculty approval. This default timeline can be changed only if the proposal authorizing the new or modified course or academic program explicitly provides for an alternative timeline for implementation. The provost must authorize any alternative timeline and has the authority to veto any such alternative timeline even if it was approved by the faculty at large.
By default, any new policy, procedure or requirement, or any modification (including elimination) of an existing policy, procedure or requirement, becomes effective immediately after the document authorizing said change is issued or receives final approval, whichever is appropriate. This default timeline can be changed only if the document proposing or authorizing the new or modified policy, procedure or requirement explicitly provides for an alternative timeline for implementation. The relevant vice president must authorize any alternative timeline and has the authority to veto any such alternative timeline.