Registration for all students is managed by the office of student success. Students with questions about registration procedures should contact their student success advisor.
A student’s initial registration at Oglethorpe University is covered in Sec. 6.3. and occurs prior to attendance at a MAP Day or in the weeks leading up to matriculation. Continuing students register for classes and make any subsequent schedule changes (i.e. drop and/or add classes) through their OASIS account whenever possible. If manual intervention is required, registration changes can take place via online forms or can be facilitated in-person at the office of student success.
When students register for a semester, they are registering for all sessions within that semester, not just the one(s) that may come first chronologically. From the viewpoint of Oglethorpe University, a student’s enrollment status (whether full- or part-time, for example) depends on the totality of hours being attempted in all sessions within a semester. Additionally, there are both financial and financial aid implications associated with making sure a student registers for all sessions within a semester at one time.