Programs offered:
- B.A. in Music (TU)*
- Minor in Music (TU)
Minor in Music: 20 Credits (TU)
Courses in Music History, Music Theory, Applied Music, Music Technology and Performance Ensembles are required for all majors. Students will learn from world-class music faculty and Atlanta’s top applied teachers and have access to internships at music industry locations throughout Atlanta. A total of 44 credit-hours will be required to complete the basic B.A in Music*. All music majors will be required to complete at least 6 semesters of Applied Music (individual private lesson study) and pass a “jury exam” at the end of each semester to continue in the program.
- Required History and Theory Courses (22 Credit Hours):
- MUS 131 Musicianship Skills Lab I (1 credit)
- MUS 132 Musicianship Skills Lab II (1 credit)
- MUS 231 Music Theory I (4 credits) *required for concurrent enrollment in MUS 131
- MUS 232 Music Theory II (4 credits) *required for concurrent enrollment in MUS 132
- MUS 233 Music History I (4 credits)
- MUS 234 Music History II (4 credits)
- MUS 236 Introduction to Music Technology (4 credits)
- Required Applied Instruction (6 Credit Hours):
A total of 6 semesters of applied instruction within the primary field of study
- MUS 137 Applied Instruction I (1 credit)
- MUS 138 Applied Instruction II (1 credit)
- MUS 237 Applied Instruction III (1 credit)
- MUS 238 Applied Instruction IV (1 credit)
- MUS 337 Applied Instruction V (1 credit)
- MUS 338 Applied Instruction VI (1 credit)
- Required Ensemble Instruction (8 Credit Hours):
A total of 8 semester hours within the primary field of study (piano students may select either an instrumental or vocal ensemble) to be fulfilled through one of the following:
- MUS 134 University Singers (1 credit)
- MUS 154 Jazz Ensemble (1 credit)
- MUS 174 Oglethorpe University Symphony (1 credit)
- ELECTIVES (8 Credit Hours):
A total of 8 semester hours within the following, 4 of which must be a MUS course:
- COM 110 Public Speaking
- COM 250 Digital Storytelling
- FMS 150/ART 150 Introduction to Multimedia Production
- FMS/ART/COM 175 Web Design
- FMS/ART 275 Experimental Video for Artists
- FMS 305 Sound Design
- FMS 315 Lighting Design
- MUS 290 Special Topics
- MUS 335 Roots of American Music
- MUS 340 Music and Emotions
- MUS 345 Music in Film and Television
- MUS 400 Advanced Independent Study in Music (by approval)
- MUS 490 Advanced Special Topics
- MUS 495 Internship in Music
- THE 100 Production Lab (up to 4 semesters)
- THE 316 Lighting Design
- THE 405 Voice and Speech for the Actor
Minor in Music: 20 Credits (TU)
The minor in Music seeks to prepare students for a mastery of the initial and most essential fundamentals of the discipline of Music within a liberal arts context. It seeks to establish a foundation for life-long development and application of the primary components of music. It lays a foundation for students to continue their musical pursuits beyond college. Students interested in earning a degree in music as a major course of study can pursue an IPM in Music, which combines music with a secondary area of study. The minor provides the opportunity to pursue other academic majors to prepare for such music-connected careers as church musician, private music instructor, music librarian, music journalism, music business (with either business or communications,) musical theatre, music therapy, and song writing/lyrics (with English and comparative literature and/or creative writing), etc. The minor in Music may also generate sufficient preparation for one to pursue graduate studies in music or to function as a professional or community-based musician.
Students in the Music minor program seek:
- To acquire or build on an understanding and interpretation of music notation to prepare music for performance.
- To acquire an understanding and appreciation for the role music plays in the development of world cultures through focused research to place music into meaningful philosophical and historical contexts; to learn about and appreciate music as a fundamental component of “a life fully lived.”
- To acquire an ability to analyze a diverse range of musical compositions and styles to support the academic and performance aspects of music study.
- To develop the skills required for successful participation in a musical ensemble.
Minor in Music (TU)
- Completion of the following courses:
- MUS 331 Music Theory I
- MUS 332 Music Theory II
- MUS 333 Music History I
- MUS 334 Music History II
- Completion of all the following applied studies courses (one-on-one private lessons with an Affiliate Artist teacher) and Ensemble classes:
- A total of 4 semester hours of MUS 136 Applied Instruction in Music (lessons are available for all musical styles, for all instruments, and voice types).
- A total of 4 semester hours of either MUS 134 University Singers,
MUS 154 Jazz Ensemble, MUS 164 OU Chorale, or MUS 174 Oglethorpe University Symphony
*The Bachelor of Arts degree’s new major of Music is pending approval by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). While we engage with our accreditor on this substantive change to our curriculum, the proposed program’s new courses will be taught, starting Fall 2023. However, no student can declare or graduate with this new major until Oglethorpe receives final approval from our accreditor. See Sec. 2.5 and Sec. 3.2.