Oglethorpe students may study abroad at a recognized, accredited university, through a program sponsored by an American college or university which awards credit from the home institution, or through Oglethorpe-approved provider programs. Numerous opportunities exist for any qualified student to study at non-partnership programs of the student’s choice throughout the world, in science, economics, social sciences, languages, art, communications, the liberal arts, and business. Global education office staff and faculty advisors guide students to the appropriate study abroad program to achieve individual goals and objectives.
Oglethorpe University institutional aid and Hope match money cannot be applied to student expenses at non-partner universities and programs. The offices of global education and financial aid will help the student explore financial aid and other resources that may be available, but Oglethorpe University does not collect, nor become involved in collecting, any monies for the host university. Financial transactions for studying at a non-partner college or university are solely between the student and the host institution.
Courses students take at non-partnership institutions approved by a student’s faculty advisor and the director of global education, are treated as courses taken in residence at Oglethorpe University for purposes of the residency requirement (see Sec. 8.3.).